This year we had our family Christmas party a little late to accommodate Cynthia being here. I'm so glad we could all be together! This is the first year in a long time that we have all been together because Lisa and Kimball have moved back to Utah and Cynthia and her family are here to visit. I have to start out with these first 2 pictures because I thought they were so cute. I made cupcakes for all the kids. When I was frosting them this morning, Athena, Samantha, and Nathan were going crazy wanting to help. I let them put in the candy canes. When we were all done, I left the room to go get ready to go to the party. When I came back, all 3 kids were hovering over the cupcakes trying to decide which one they would eat first. I thought it was so cute to see them so excited!
Thanks to Michelle for the delicious menu, we had chili, breadsticks, and vegetables for lunch. Then, as usual, with so many little kids in the family, chaos reigned throughout the room as we prepared for the next activity. I thought it fitting to include some of these snapshots because it is a perfect indication of our get-togethers.
Nathan wrestling with Jacob.
All the "older" boys being cool by the wall.
Claire doing something to Lehela.
After seeing all the usual chaos, I thought - in a few years we won't see this, only a room full of teenagers rolling their eyes. Maybe we should be grateful for times like these because "this too shall pass".
Finally we were able to get all the games prepared and ready-to-go. Michelle came up with a fun idea to play FEAR FACTOR! Here is a sampling of the games:
Michelle had a few people come up for an activity and she told them they were going to have to eat baby bugars. Here is Athena as Michelle is describing the task.
For this game, the players had to stick their foot in ice water and retrieve sliced hot dog pieces with their toes. Paige didn't want to do it, so Jeremy finished his and then retrieved all of Paige's hot dogs too. THANKS JEREMY!
I was one of the lucky contestants who got to do a "wall sit". Hey! This was my idea for someone ELSE to perform. Thanks a LOT Michelle. My legs were shaking so bad that I had to sit down and I lost. For the record, they hurt for the next hour or so.
The guys had to show off their dexterity by separating egg whites from yolks without breaking the yolks. Way to go Brett for your brilliant egg handling and pulling out a win.
Katelyn, Mama, and Doug really enjoyed the baby puke. MMMM! I can't believe how fast everyone downed this delicacy.
For this game, everyone had to find a piece of bubble gum at the bottom of the Cool Whip, then chew it and blow a bubble. Samantha just dug right in and got it out with her tongue. She was quite proud of herself at the end.
For the last game, Athena, Connor, and Nathan were blindfolded. Their task, they were told, was to feel through their bowl of brains (slimy spaghetti noodles) and pull out the eyeballs (mini marshmallows). As Michelle was describing the game I thought I heard crying. I went over to Athena and lifted her hat. She was SOBBING underneath the hat. She told me that she didn't want to touch brains. After explaining to her that it wasn't real and that she was going through spaghetti noodles to find marshmallows she agreed to the task.
Nathan's blindfold didn't last very long. Neither did his marshmallows. As soon as he realized there was buried treasure he stopped digging and started eating.
Thanks to Michelle for a very fun party. Everyone in my family enjoyed themselves and I'm sure our kids will remember when they got to play Fear Factor. :)
I also have to say I'm so grateful for our white elephant gifts. Jeremy got the wooden reindeer and I brought home the Nemo. Don't be surprised if you get a surprise visit from the stupid reindeer without a cause.