Imagine what you could do if you knew you could not fail.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We Hiked the Y

Last Friday Jeremy had the day off work, so we decided to make a fun day of it. We got up early and took the kids to hike the Y on the mountain. This picture is at the bottom, before we started going up. We thought the trip might be a disaster because as we were starting the hike, I got after Nathan twice for not staying with us and for hiking too close to the edge. Jeremy got after him too and we had to repeatedly tell the girls to STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGE. Nathan folded his arms in a huff and started to pout. That was all within the first 5 minutes of our hike. After that we started telling stories and having a good time and we didn't have another problem the rest of the way!

It took us 40 minutes to get to the top. In this picture we are almost there! You can see the Y in the background.

Once we made it, we sat and enjoyed the view while eating some snacks. Because we went so early in the morning, we had shade on us most of the time. The sun didn't even come over the peak until we were about halfway back down.

Here we all are together. :)

This is the view looking towards our house.

The Provo temple.

This is looking straight down the slope of the Y.
Straight out into the valley and BYU campus.

The kids had a good time on the Y and they seemed to appreciate the views as much as Jeremy and I did. It took us another 40 minutes to go down the mountain and again - no complaining!

This is the last picture of our hike, just as we were reaching the bottom.
I asked the kids if they would want to hike the Y again next year and they said, "NO! We want to do it this year!" They really had a good time!
After our hike we went to Seven Peaks and swam for a few hours to cool off. It turned out to be a perfect day off.


Lisa said...

That looks fun! Maybe we'll have to try that one. I like your idea of going early.

dena4kids said...

What a fun day!

The Allreds said...

loved those times with my kids, even if they did complain! we love bYu!

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