Imagine what you could do if you knew you could not fail.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Are We Running a Pageant?

This morning Athena came upstairs, ready for school, wearing this:

She had taken her marker and made the shirt the way she thought it should be. I was upset with her for writing on her shirt with marker, but even more so, I thought it was funny. So I had to keep from laughing and act mad for her sake. She seemed to think it was perfectly acceptable to wear her shirt to school like this. Looks like this gets to go in the "play shirt" pile!


Cynthia said...

Kids come up with the funniest ideas. She was probably thinking this was a perfect way to identify herself to her classmates. I'm sure she imagined herself being carried in on the shoulders of the children and she waved daintily to her subjects.

Megz said...

Writing down your goals is the first step to acheiving them...Way to go Athena. Maybe this is her way of saying she's ready for a Little Miss pageant? Have fun with that!

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