Imagine what you could do if you knew you could not fail.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Finished the Book of Mormon!

If any of you saw my graph on the right side of my blog, you would see that I did, in fact, finish reading the Book of Mormon in less than 97 days. I actually started late into the challenge and finished earlier - so I ended up finishing it in 80 days. I think that is the fastest that I have ever read this book, and coincidentally, I think this is the most I've gotten out of it.

I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and the teachings that are contained within. I'm grateful for the added spirit it has brought to me and my home as I've been reading it. I know that the Book of Mormon is a true book and that the people in it are real people. I know that Heavenly Father preserved those records for our time. I gained so much by reading it.

I hope that each of you are enjoying your reading of the Book of Mormon as much as I do and that it will help you in your lives. If you aren't reading it, please start. :) You have so much to gain and nothing to lose!


Aprilyn said...

I didn't finish in time unfortunately. I got busy doing a book for my sister and had a huge time crunch. Consequently, my 8 days ahead turned into 16 days behind. DANG IT! I keep reading though. I'm glad you finished. That's AWESOME!!!

Cynthia said...

Congratulations! That is a great accomplishment. I'm proud of you.

P.S. I didn't know you were going to the Dominican.

big8smiley said...

Jeremy's work is sending us there because he sold the benchmark amount to go on the trip. It should be pretty neat. :) Last year we went to Mexico and they are going to Dominican this year.

Mama Cat said...

I hear the cruise is right during the worst of the hurricane season, too--a little extra excitement for you!

Congrats on finishing under the 97 days. I finished by the deadline, but I had a little headstart. I've started over now, and have a goal to finish by the time we move (2 1/2 months and counting--ack!).

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