Imagine what you could do if you knew you could not fail.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happier :)

So, things seem to be looking a little better. :) The sun has finally come out today and I'm so happy about that! I could never live in a place that is cloudy or rainy most of the time. I need my sunshine.

I've been going a little crazy lately because my mind has just been buzzing and I've felt the need to create ANYTHING. I finally put that to rest and wrote a fun little children's story yesterday. The kids LOVED it and asked for it again and again. I've been at a creative standstill and just needed to do something to get it out. I'm happy that I wrote the story.

Tonight I will be teaching step aerobics again. Last week it was cancelled because the room was being used for something else and it was such a disappointment to me. I ended up teaching a circuit training class in the creepy basement. This week will be much better and I'll get to use music again. Hooray!

Saturday we are going to chop down our Christmas tree. The weather is supposed to be nice. There will be snow where we are going, but at least the sun will be out!

I thought I'd better write this update to my last post, which was such a downer. I also changed the quote at the top of my page to one that really inspires me.

1 comment:

dena4kids said...

I am glad your are doing better! I love sunshine! Today was our rainy cloudy, and cold day!I kindof like rain though, it makes me think of Christmas. Funny huh!Oh well I guess here in NC it rains more on Christmas than snows.

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